Restorative dentistry covers a wide range of treatment options that our professionals team at Quayside Dental use to repair tooth damage, correct uneven spacing, replace missing teeth and more. We offer a variety of restoration options to ensure your unique needs are taken care of.
Think of a dental bridge as a seat filler for your missing teeth, expertly crafted to look and feel like the teeth you’ve lost. Your dentist will custom-fit a dental bridge to mimic your tooth structure, making sure that it looks natural and feels comfortable.
Once the dental bridge is complete, it is cemented to the surrounding teeth (whether they are natural teeth or dental implants), and once it has been adhered to your teeth, your tailor-made dental bridge will help you be able to speak, eat and smile through life with ease.
A dental filling is a preventative dental treatment that protects your teeth against harmful bacteria, which can lead to irreversible decay. As long as you keep up with your oral hygiene routine and annual dental exams.
If you leave cavities untreated, your teeth can quickly deteriorate down to their inner tooth pulp, which is extremely susceptible to bacteria and infection.
Take Care of Your Teeth with Dental Fillings.